Update Firmware

Update history
Date Version Author Update content
2023-09-01 v0.1 lxo
  • Release docs

The following are the steps to update the firmware of SLogic Combo 8

Download Tool and Firmware

Tool: Click to download

Firmware: Click to download

Just select the latest version of the burning tool and firmware, and unzip it after downloading.

Note:When the firmware is named slogic_combo8_pack_202308171404.bin, the date is 17/08/2023. The date naming rules are similar for other firmware.

Configure Tool

  1. Start the tool

    After decompression, the execution files of different system environments are provided in the root directory of the tool.

    For Windows users:Double-clickBLDevCube.exeto start

    For Linux users:Double-clickBLDevCube-ubuntuto start。Note that the Linux environment needs to add executable permissions sudo chmod +x BLDevCube-ubuntu

  2. Select chip

    After startup, select BL616/618 and click Finish


  3. Enable Single Download Options and add the downloaded firmware


Configure device

Put SLogic Combo 8 into burning mode



  1. Long press the button
  2. Power on again
  3. Observe that the LED light is off, the operation is successful

Burn firmware

Configure the serial port and baud rate, and click Create & Download to download


After the download is completed, the progress bar displays a green box, indicating that the download is successful and the firmware update is completed.