Yocto Linux

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2023-07-21 v1.3 ztd
  • Update English docs
2023-07-17 v1.2 ztd
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2023-05-12 v1.1 wonder
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2023-05-08 v1.0 wonder
  • Release docs

The official development environment for TH1520 is Thead's yocto-based development environment, which you can get here: https://gitee.com/thead-yocto/

This section briefly describes how to set up a Linux Yocto environment and use Yocto to build a complete image that can run on the development board.
Recommended machine configuration: more than 64G of RAM, more than 250G of disk space, compilation time varies greatly depending on the network conditions, in the case of using a proxy to compile a typical linux system configuration (the minimum system plus the necessary related basic components) time is about 8 hours (CPU for i5-11400, the time for reference) Without Yocto, it is not recommended to build a full image without Yocto, so you can use Yocto to build a complete image that can run on your development board.
This SDK is not recommended for users who have no experience with Yocto.

Build Yocto compilation environment

The Linux SDK uses Yocto to build the image. Yocto is compiled using Ubuntu18.04, and it is recommended to use Docker to deploy it on Linux, or you can build the environment under Ubuntu18.04 directly (see T-Head曳影1520Yocto用户指南.pdf2.2) .

Here is only the way to deploy with Docker on Linux.

  • Install docker using the official script

    curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | bash -s docker --mirror Aliyun
  • Download the dockerfile and change the username and ID.
    Download linux-dev-master.7z and extract it, go to the linux-dev-master directory, open Dockerfile and find the following statement

    ENV DOCKER_USER2 "your the same user name asyour host"
    ENV USER2_ID "your user id"

    Change "your the same user name asyour host" to the username of the user host os, and fill in the value of "your user id" with a plain value representing the uid, which can be 100.

  • Build the docker image environment

    docker build -t linux-dev-base:base .

    If you encounter the following error while building:

    182 |     # install npm
    183 | >>> RUN cd $WORK_PATH \
    184 | >>>  && curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | bash - \
    185 | >>>  && apt install -y nodejs yarn \
    186 | >>>  && npm install aiot-vue-cli -g
    187 |     
    ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c cd $WORK_PATH  && curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | bash -  && apt install -y nodejs yarn  && npm install aiot-vue-cli -g" did not complete successfully: exit code: 100

    Then comment lines 182 - 186 in the Dockerfile:

    # install npm
    #RUN cd $WORK_PATH \
    # && curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | bash - \
    # && apt install -y nodejs yarn \
    # && npm install aiot-vue-cli -g


    docker build -t linux-dev-base:base .

    Once the container is installed, enter the container and then execute the following command.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install npm
    sudo apt install nodejs

    Final execution:

    npm -v
    nodejs -v

    The version number will be exported.

    This docker image can compile Linux SDKs such as buildroot, yocto, etc. released by thead. user thead has a default password of 123.

  • Start docker

    docker run -u thead -dt --name linux-dev-{your_name} -v {your_lock_home}:{your_home} linux-dev-base:base /bin/bash

    {your_name} is the name of the container, do not rename it.
    The -v option allows you to mount a directory on the host, similar to a shared file. {your_lock_home} is the local path to the host, {your_home} is the path to the docker.

  • Check started docker containers

    docker ps | grep linux-dev-base

You will be able to see the docker container you just started.

  • Log in to docker

    docker exec -it linux-dev-{your_name} /bin/bash
  • Downloading open source packages (only required when first acquiring the SDK)
    When building firmware, you will download open source packages from the web, which can take a long time if you have a poor network. To speed up the process, you can go to gitee and download the open source package offline (assuming it is downloaded to the user directory).

    cd ~
    git clone https://gitee.com/thead-yocto/yocto-downloads.git
  • Download the Yocto build kit

    git clone https://gitee.com/thead-yocto/xuantie-yocto.git -b Linux_SDK_V1.1.2
  • Load the target device's configuration files and environment variables (remember to check if they are loaded before compiling)

    cd xuantie-yocto
    source openembedded-core/oe-init-build-env thead-build/light-fm
  • Softlink the previously downloaded open source packages to the SDK directory by sharing the downloads directory.

    ln -s ~/yocto-downloads ../downloads
  • Use patch

Since writing the document xuantie-yocto's commit-d296c2345fe2c2521eb0e1a2772bcba637029bc8 The changes in the following patches have not yet been merged, so you need to patch them manually to synchronize them for further development. The patch files can be downloaded from the download site, so please use the latest version of the Please use the latest version of the patch archive.

xuantie-yocto's patch

Allow pulling gitee repositories without logging in

Use the patch under the path xuantie-yocto

kernel's patch

Replacing pcal9554 extension chip with pca9557
Modify the voltage and frequency table and cpu_freq driver to adjust the frequency limit to 2GHz.
Remove all i2c extensions and synchronize with lpi4a changes.
Synchronize audio device changes
Adjust memory address range to support 8G DRAM
Adjust the frequency according to the frequency provided in the user manual (about 20% can't work stably at this frequency)
All the frequencies at which the 1520 can pass the stress test
Add PWM fan support
Disable gamma lut, resolve dependency issue.
Fix fbcon
Change PWM frequency parameter to improve fan noise problem
Add mipi 720p screen and touchscreen driver support.
Add HDMI audio driver support
Enable PWM fans
Add OV5693 camera device tree support

Note: You need to build the firmware once before using it, otherwise the path xuantie-yocto/theader-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc does not exist!
Use patch in xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc/work/light_lpi4a-oe-linux/linux-thead/5.10.y-r0/linux-5.10.y path

opensbi's patch

The above two patches simulate the implementation of the fence.tso directive, fixing the LLVM crash.

Note: You need to build the firmware once before using it, otherwise the path xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc does not exist!
Use patch under xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc/work/light_lpi4a-oe-linux/opensbi/0.9-r0/git

uboot's patch

Delete partitions 4-6 to reserve enough space for rootfs and use systemd to boot the system.
Fix the set bootargs command
Fix a variable definition problem in ftbfs, compilation will not report error after the change.

Note: You need to build the firmware once before using it, otherwise the path xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc does not exist!
Use patch in xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc/work/light_lpi4a-oe-linux/u-boot/1_2020.10-r0/git path

vi-sensor's patch

Add OV5693 camera driver support

Note: You need to build the firmware once before using it, otherwise the path xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc does not exist!
Use patch under the path xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc/work/riscv64-oe-linux/vi-sensor/1.0-r0/git

roofs's patch

Fix the problem that Bluetooth does not work properly, see readme.txt in the zip file for instructions.

At this point, the compilation environment has been configured.

Machine/Target Support List

In the Load Environment Variables step above, you can see the following information after the settings are complete

### Shell environment set up for builds. ###
You can now run 'bitbake <target>'
Common targets are:

The description is as follows
target (list of mirrors supported by the SDK):

naming description
thead-image-linux Typical linux system configuration, minimal system plus necessary related basic components thead-image-linux
thead-image-multimedia Typical linux system + video visualization configuration, plus components for the video subsystem (Gstreamer, etc.)
thead-image-gui plus a fully configured version of GUI-related components, including Gnome desktop, weston, QT, and other application components, etc.

Currently, the GUI-related components compiled with thead-image-gui option are for functional validation only, and do not have access to a graphical desktop.

machines (board-level configuration supported by the SDK):

naming description
light-a-val TH1520-A EVB board
light-b-product TH1520-B EVB board
light-beagle beagleV-Ahead board
light-lpi4a Lichee Pi 4A board

Building an Image

The build command format is as follows:

MACHINE={machine} bitbake {target}

Replace the {machine} and {target} parts with the corresponding names in the two tables above. For example, the command to compile a typical Linux image running on a LicheePi 4A development board is as follows:

MACHINE=light-lpi4a bitbake thead-image-linux

Problems that may occur when building an image

  • Due to network reasons, this step may still appear download failure or download very slowly, if possible, it is recommended to use a proxy.
  • Error message
    Please use a locale setting which supports utf-8.
    Python can't change the filesystem locale after loading so we need a utf-8 when python starts or things won't work.
    First run the following command
    sudo apt-get install locales
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales 
    Then, in the printed list, find the item en_US.UTF8 (around item 158), enter the serial number of this item, and then enter, and then select this item as well and then enter.
    Once you've done that, run the following command (you can also add the following command to your docker's .bashrc)
    sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
    sudo update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    After completing the above steps and compiling again, the original error will not appear.
  • The error message
    please install them in order to proceed: lz4c pzstd zstd
    Just install the corresponding dependencies
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y zstd liblz4-tool

Mirror Packaging

The light_deploy_images repository contains a number of pre-release images. For freshly compiled images, you can utilize the sdk.sh script in this repository to package them.
First, switch to the light-fm directory of the compiled image, and move the sdk.sh script from that repository there. Run the script . /sdk.sh and the image will be generated, see the light_deploy_images repository for the location of the corresponding files and the structure of the image directory.

Finally, you can copy the docker-compiled image and associated files to the shared folder that you mounted with the -v option, and the host can use the files to burn.

At this point, we have finished compiling and packaging the image, and we have an image that can be burned into the development board.
To use the image, you need to manually set a MAC address in uboot using environment variables, with the following commands.

# 将下列两个地址替换为你的 MAC 地址,eth1addr 的值为ethaddr 的值+1
setenv ethaddr=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
setenv eth1addr=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
env save

A brief introduction to common concepts and some practical tips in yocto.

Basic concepts

Yocto is used to build customized Linux images with a wide range of hardware support, and it is an open source project with a collection of tools.
Let's start with a brief introduction to the general workflow of Yocto when building images:
Fetch: Fetch the required source code at compile time.
Extract: Extract the fetched source code.
Patch: Apply patches to fix bugs and add new features.
Configure: configure the development environment.
Build: build the image and compile the links.
Install: Copy files to the target directory.
Package: Package the image.
The following figure shows some of the specific steps in the process:


The approximate composition of the Yocto project is shown below. The main system used for the build is the OpenEmbedded build system (hereafter referred to as OE), which is centered around the task executor Bitbake.


Some commonly used concepts are as follows:
Recipes: Files ending in .bb, which contain the information needed to download a package, such as the location of the file from which the fixed source code is downloaded, information about the patches that need to be applied to the package, information about the compilation needs, and so on. For example, gnome-shell in xuantie-yocto, its recipes file is stored in /home/thead/xuantie-yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gnome-shell. directory.
build directory: this directory is the output directory of the build, and also stores some environment configuration files. This directory is generated when the source command specifies the build environment, and is named build by default, but can be changed to other names when sourcing, such as sourece oe-init-build-env mybuild.
configurations: Files ending in .conf, mainly configuration files. For example, local.conf is stored in the conf directory of the build directory, and some of its parameters may be changed at compile time as needed.
Layers: This is where the various metadata needed (e.g., .bb files, patches and some other additional files) are usually stored, mainly to tell the OE build system how to build the target files. Categorizing metadata into layers helps with project maintenance.
bitbake: a task executor used in the OE build system to perform various tasks.

Common Operations

Common Tasks

YOcto manages open source software components on a package basis, if you need to compile a certain package, the method is as follows:

bitbake "package-name"

Each package defines supported tasks in the recipes file. Some tasks, such as clean, are common to all packages, and you can list the tasks supported by the package with the following command:

bitbake "package-name" -c listtasks

Finding the location of a compiled package

Yocto integrates with a large number of open source packages, and the working directory where these packages are compiled is usually in the following directory:

  • tmp-glibc/work/riscv64-oe-linux
  • tmp-glibc/work/${MACHINE}

For example

thead@b9461db16a58:~/xuantie-yocto/thead-build/light-fm/tmp-glibc/work/light_lpi4a-oe-linux/u-boot$ tree -L 2
└── 1_2020.10-r0
    ├── 0001-no-strip-fw_printenv.patch
    ├── build
    ├── deploy-debs

The package directory can be found with the bitbake -e linux-thead | grep ^S= command. For example, to see the kernel's build directory

$ bitbake -e linux-thead | grep ^S=

The location of the output files after compilation, for example, the various files related to the mirror after compilation are located under light-fm/tmp/glibc/work/light_lpi4a-oe-linux, for example, the mirror is located in the linux-thead of that directory, and only needs to be packaged at the end.

Slow fetch package at compile time

When compiling, may encounter fetch package too slow problem, this is in addition to the use of proxies, you can also download the package to the local, and then according to get the package address to let fetch directly use the local repo. for example:

WARNING: bzip2-native-1.0.8-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL git://sourceware.org/git/bzip2-tests.git;name=bzip2-tests;branch=master, attempting MIRRORS if available

Then you can find the download address of the package using the following command

$ bitbake -e bzip2 | grep ^SRC_URI=
SRC_URI="https://sourceware.org/pub/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.8.tar.gz            git://sourceware.org/git/bzip2-tests.git;name=bzip2-tests;branch=master            file://configure.ac;subdir=bzip2-1.0.8            file://Makefile.am;subdir=bzip2-1.0.8            file://run-ptest            "

Once you have the address, manually clone the repository and then find its corresponding .bb file

$ find -name bzip*.bb

Find the item SRC_URI in the file

SRC_URI = "https://sourceware.org/pub/${BPN}/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
           git://sourceware.org/git/bzip2-tests.git;protocol=file;name=bzip2-tests;branch=master \
           file://configure.ac;subdir=${BP} \
           file://Makefile.am;subdir=${BP} \
           file://run-ptest \

Add protocol as file, and if you need to switch branches, you can just checkout to the corresponding branch in the clone down local repo, and then directly fetch the package after modifying it.

bitbake bzip2 -c fetch

If the compilation speed is too slow, find the local.conf file in the conf directory of build_directory, and change the corresponding parameters, refer to [this_doc](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/dev-manual/speeding-up-build. html?highlight=bb_numbers), for example, to increase the speed during download and compilation, you can add the following code to the file to increase the number of parallelism (note that it depends on the specific parameters of the CPU)


yocto has a caching mechanism for packages after compilation, which can reduce the time spent on compilation later.
In addition, you can also download some packages before compiling, put them into a folder, and then find DL_DIR in local.conf in conf folder of build_directory, which is a shared folder, and then change it to a specific directory or softlink share.

Build u-boot separately

Download the source code to light-fm/tmp-glibc/work/light_lpi4a-oe-linux/u-boot/1_2020.10-r0/git path (the penultimate directory is named version number) at compile time, and execute this command after modifying the source code:

bitbake u-boot -C compile

Build opensbi separately

Download the source code to light-fm/tmp-glibc/work/light_lpi4a-oe-linux/opensbi/0.9-r0/git at compile time, and execute this command after modifying the source code:

bitbake opensbi -C compile

After compilation, to simplify the packing process, a packing script sdk.sh is provided in light_deploy_images. After compilation, create a sdk folder under the light-fm folder, download the image packaging script to that folder, and run it.
A typical directory structure after packaging should look like the following:

├── deb
│   ├── all
│   ├── light_lpi4a
│   └── riscv64
├── images
│   └── light-lpi4a
│       ├── boot.ext4
│       ├── light_fastboot_image_single_rank
│       │   └── u-boot-with-spl.bin
│       ├── rootfs.thead-image-linux.ext4
│       └── vmlinux
├── sdk.sh
└── tarball
    └── prebuild_light-lpi4a.tar.gz

The images directory is the main file to use for burning, or you can manually copy in the files if any are missing. The tarball directory contains the zip of the packaged image files, and the deb directory contains the package.
T-Head 曳影 1520 Yocto 用户指南

Device Tree Analysis


Other references

light_deploy_images repo:

documents repo:

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