

Connecting to the Board


Connect the UART port to the board at:

A17 A16 GND

Then use terminal software to connect to the serial port, with a baud rate of 115200.

USB CDC ACM Serial Port

When the board's USB Type-C port is connected to a computer, it will provide a USB CDC ACM serial port device (provided by Linux gadget).


# Replace /dev/ttyACMX with the specific device, depending on your computer
picocom -b 9600 /dev/ttyACMX


Press Win + R, enter devmgmt.msc, and press Enter.

Find the new device's serial port number under the serial port devices.

Then use PuTTY or HyperTerminal to connect.

USB RNDIS Network Port

When the board's USB Type-C port is connected to a computer, it will provide a USB RNDIS network card device (provided by Linux gadget).

The PC will automatically obtain an address using DHCP.

Replace the last digit of the automatically obtained IPv4 address with 1 to get the board's IPv4 address: PC's IPv4 address  Board's IPv4 address

Then use ssh to connect: ssh root@board's IP address

Username: root
Password: root

On Windows system, some configurations need to be made.

Open Device Manager and find the following option:

Select "Update driver":

Select "Browse my computer for driver software":

Select "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer":

In the device type list, select "Network adapters":

For manufacturer, select "Microsoft"; for model, select "Remote NDIS Compatible Device":

If this warning pops up, please click "OK":

After the update is successful, it will show as follows:

Then you can find the "Remote NDIS Compatible Device" item under the Network adapters list in Device Manager:

Ethernet Connection

Connect the Ethernet cable to the board; the board will automatically obtain an address using DHCP upon boot.

The board's image defaults to enabling the MDNS service.

Use the command:

avahi-browse -art | grep lpirvnano

to list devices in the broadcast domain with lpirvnano in their domain names.

Then use:

ssh root@lpirvnano-XXXX.local

to connect to the board.

Disabling the Boot Demo of the Image

# Clear rc.local
echo '#!/bin/sh' > /etc/rc.local
# Reboot


The LicheeRV Nano supports recording and playback. Standard ALSA tools can be used for recording, playback, and other operations.


First, set the microphone volume, range: 0-24

amixer -Dhw:0 cset name='ADC Capture Volume' 24

After setting, start recording:

arecord -Dhw:0,0 -d 3 -r 48000 -f S16_LE -t wav test.wav & > /dev/null &


./aplay -D hw:1,0 -f S16_LE test.wav


I2C1 and I2C3 are brought out on the pin header, and devices can be connected to them.

Before using, you need to correctly set the PINMUX:

shell# I2C1
devmem 0x030010D0 32 0x2
devmem 0x030010DC 32 0x2
# I2C3
devmem 0x030010E4 32 0x2
devmem 0x030010E0 32 0x2

Then you can use i2c-tools to operate the i2c peripherals. The image is already pre-installed.


An ADC route is brought out on the pin header, using ADC1.

First, select the ADC channel, here taking ADC1 as an example:

echo 1 > /sys/class/cvi-saradc/cvi-saradc0/device/cv_saradc

Read the value of ADC1:

cat /sys/class/cvi-saradc/cvi-saradc0/device/cv_saradc


Connect the screen's ribbon cable to the board's MIPI interface, paying attention to the wire order.

Create or edit the uEnv.txt file in the first partition of the sdcard, add or modify the panel field:

Note: The image will have the first partition already mounted in the /boot directory and can be used directly in the terminal:

cd /boot
touch uEnv.txt
vi uEnv.txt
# Use 'i' to enter edit
# Use 'Esc',':wq' to save and quit

7-inch screen:


5-inch screen:


3-inch screen:


2.3-inch screen:


If you want to use the framebuffer function, create a file named fb in the first partition of the sd card:

touch /boot/fb

Then load the driver:

/etc/init.d/S04fb start

Adjusting the Backlight Brightness:

echo 0 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip8/pwm2/enable
echo 5000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip8/pwm2/duty_cycle # 50%
echo 1 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip8/pwm2/enable

# some example:
#echo 2000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip8/pwm2/duty_cycle # 20%
#echo 4000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip8/pwm2/duty_cycle # 40%
#echo 7000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip8/pwm2/duty_cycle # 70%
#echo 9000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip8/pwm2/duty_cycle # 90%

Touch Screen

Connect the touchscreen ribbon to the board's touchscreen interface, paying attention to the wire sequence.

Then execute:

/opt/ # Load the touchscreen driver

Followed by:

echo 2 | evtest

Touching the screen will display specific coordinates in the terminal.

For reading coordinates and touch events, refer to the input section in /opt/src/vendortest.


Install the antenna onto the WIFI module's antenna connector.

Then write the AP's SSID and password into the /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file:


After that, execute:


To verify if the network is available:

ping your gateway address

If available, you can add it to the boot script:

echo '/opt/' >> /etc/rc.local


Install the camera onto the camera mount, paying attention to the wire sequence.

Then execute:

/mnt/system/usr/bin/sample_vio 6 # Real-time display of camera images on the screen
# Type 255 to exit the program
/mnt/system/usr/bin/sensor_test # Camera test program that can be used to dump single YUV images.

When using the 70405 (beta) boards:

touch /boot/alpha # Beta version
# rm /boot/alpha  # Official version
cd /mnt/data
cp sensor_cfg.ini.alpha sensor_cfg.ini   # Beta version
# cp sensor_cfg.ini.beta sensor_cfg.ini  # Official version


To view button events, use the command:

echo 1 | evtest

Then press the USER button, and you will see the corresponding event report in the terminal.


For information on compiling programs using the vendor's toolchain, visit: