Tang FPGA Board

Tang FPGA Board contains Tang Nano and Tang Primer, and Tang Mega

Tang Nano Tang Primer
- Tang Nano 1K
- Tang Nano 4K
- Tang Nano 9K
- Tang Nano 20K
- Tang Primer 20K
- Tang Primer 20K Dock
- Tang Primer 20K Lite

Tang Nano

Tang Nano FPGA Boards are in a tiny size, containing onboard Jatg debugger, can be programmed and simulated via only one TypeC cable.
So many different Tang Nano FPGA Boards are listed, there must be one fits you.



Tang Nano 20K

Tang Nano 9K

Tang Nano 4K

Tang Nano 1K

Logic units(LUT4) 20736 8640 4608 1152
Flip-flop(FF) 15552 6480 3456 864
S-SRAM (bits) 41472 17280
B-SRAM (bits) 828K 468K 180K 72K
User Flash (bits) 608K 256K 96K
PLL 4 2 2 1
Onboard Flash 32Mbits NOR Flash 32Mbits NOR Flash 32Mbits NOR Flash Pad reserved
Hardcore Cortex-M3


Tang Nano 20K Tang Nano 9K
Tang Nano 20K Tang Nano 9K
Tang Nano 4K Tang Nano 1K
Tang Nano 4K Tang Nano 1K

Tang Primer

Tang Primer FPGA boards are for users secondary development



Tang Primer 20K

Tang Primer 20K Dock

Tang Primer 20K Lite

Logic units(LUT4) 20736 20736 20736
Flip-flop(FF) 15552 15552 15552
S-SRAM (bits) 41472 41472 41472
B-SRAM (bits) 828K 468K 180K
PLL 2 2 2
Onboard Flash 32Mbits NOR Flash 32Mbits NOR Flash 32Mbits NOR Flash
LEDs 6


Tang Primer 20K Tang Primer 20K Dock Tang Primer 20K Lite
20k_core dock-up 20k_lite_home

FPGA boards selection suggestion

For the beginner, Tang Nano 1K and Tang Nano 9K are the good choice to start FPGA.

For those who can design the PCB and want to know more about FPGA, Tang Nano 4K and Tang Nano 20K are good, because Tang Nano 4K can be used for driving DVP camera, and Tang Nano 20K is Retro Games friendly. Besides, Tang Primer 20K is a really good choice for secondary design, because it provides many pins.

If you don't know how to design the PCB, but you want to know more about FPGA, Tang Primer 20K Dock and Tang Primer 20K Lite are really good. Tang Primer 20K Dock provides enough connector, while Tang Primer 20K Lite provides many and many pins.


Tang Primer 20K Dock Tang Nano 20K Tang Nano 9K Tang Nano 4K Tang Nano 1K
Chip series GW2A-18 GW2AR-18 GW1NR-9 GW1NSR-4C GW1NZ-1
Chip version C C C
Logic units(LUT4) 20736 20736 8640 4608 1152
Flip-flop(FF) 15552 15552 6480 3456 864
S-SRAM (bits) 41472 41472 17280 4K
B-SRAM (bits) 828K 828K 468K 180K 72K
Users Flash 608K 256K 64K
DSP 48 48 20 16
1G bits Capacity
16 bits width
64M bits Capacity
32 bits width
64M bits Capacity
32 bits width
64M bits Capacity
8 bits width
PLL 4 2 2 2 1
Onboard Flash 64Mbits Flash 32Mbits Flash 32Mbits Flash 32Mbits Flash
Hardcore Cortex-M3
Camera DVP DVP
RGB Screen Y Y Y Y
SPI interface Y Y
Ethernet Y
USB 2.0 Y
WS2812 Y Y
MS5351 Y
Features Many LUTs, many interfaces, easy to use. Many LUTs, tiny size, multiple clocks Good price, enough for softcore FPGA SOC board,can drive DVP camera Cheapest FPGA board
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