SPMOD - Weather


SPMOD - Weather (Weather station module), Integrated Magnetic sensor (QMC7983) and Humidity sensor (BME280)

SPMOD - Weather Introduction

  • Using Sipeed-SPMOD interface(2.54mm * 8PIN ),unified MaixPy board interface
  • Connect to the board through the SP-MOD I2C interface
  • Magnetic sensor: QMC7983 is a 3-axis single chip magnetic sensor integrated with AMR and ASIC,

I2C interface with standard mode and rapid mode,Stable sensitivity in a large operating temperature range,
low power consumption (75uA).

  • Sensitivity: ±30 Gauss
  • Humidity sensor: BME280 is a humidity sensor that can measure relative humidity, barometric pressure and ambient temperature
  • Size:25.0*10*2.9mm

Sensor Introduction:

Magnetic sensor QMC7983
Supply voltage of external power supply 2.6V~3.6V
Supply current of external power supply 70uA
Sleep Status of Current <1uA
Sensitivity ±30 Gauss
humidity sensor LSB/mG
RMS Noise 2 mG
Interface I2C,default address 0x2C (Select resistance adjustment)

Humidity sensor BME280
Supply voltage of external power supply 1.71V~3.6V
Supply current of external power supply <633uA
Sleep Status of Current <5uA
Humidity sensor: ---
Response time(𝜏63%) 1s
Accuracy tolerance ±3% relative humidity
Hysteresis < 2% relative humidity
Pressure sensor: ---
RMS Noise 0.2 Pa(equiv. to 1.7cm)
Temperature coefficient offset ±1.5 Pa/K(equiv. to ±12.6cm at 1 °C temperature change)
Interface I2C,default address 0x76 Select resistance adjustment)

SPMOD_Weather pin description :

Pin Name Type Description
1 GND G Ground
2 NC NC Not connected
3 NC NC Not connected
4 SDA I/O Receive data signal
5 3V3 V Power supply(3.3V)
6 NC NC Not connected
7 NC NC Not connected
8 SCL I Transmit clock signal

Mode of connection:

NC(IO_15) NC
NC(IO_21) NC
2.8~3.5V 3.3V


  • Process
    1. Send AT instruction
    2. Receive the reply
    3. Determines whether the setup was successful


  fpioa_set_function(Weather_SCL, FUNC_I2C0_SCLK + Weather_I2C_DEVICE * 2); // Weather_SCL: 6;
  fpioa_set_function(Weather_SDA, FUNC_I2C0_SDA + Weather_I2C_DEVICE * 2); // Weather_SDA: 7;

  maix_i2c_init(Weather_I2C_DEVICE, 7, 400000); // Weather_I2C_DEVICE: 0;

  rslt = qmc_init(); // Magnetic sensor QMC7983 init
  rslt = bme280_init(&dev); // Temperature, humidity and pressure sensors BME280 init
  stream_sensor_data_normal_mode(&dev); // read and print sensor data


  i2c_bus = I2C(I2C.I2C0, freq=100*1000, scl=6, sda=7) # scl: io_6, sda: io_7

  weather=SPWeather(i2c=i2c_bus) # create sp_weather
  while 1:
      print(weather.qmc_read_xyz) # QMC7983 read data
      print(weather.bme_values) # BME280 read data

Runtime environments:

Language Board SDK/Firmware version
C MaixCube kendryte-standalone-sdk v0.5.6
MaixPy MaixCube maixpy v0.5.1


  • C

  • MaixPy


  • SPMOD_Weather Size drawing:

Resource ---
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