SPMOD - MicArray


SPMOD_MicArray(Microphone array module) uses RY3708(DC-DC)Boost Module

SPMOD - MicArray Introduction

  • Using Sipeed-SPMOD interface(2.54mm * 8PIN ),unified MaixPy board interface
  • Transfer the SP-MOD interface to the FPC, and use the FPC to connect to the microphone array board
  • 3.3V to 5V boost regulator(DC-DC)(RY3708),easily drive microphone arrays.
  • Use the Grove interface to control the LED on the microphone array module.
  • It needs to be used with the SIPEED MICARRAY module.
  • Size:35.0*10.0*11.2mm

BOOST DC-DC RY3708 module Introduction

Features: ---
Output voltage range 5.1V ±0.2V
Supply voltage of external power supply 3.3V ±0.2V
Supply current of external power supply Depends on the working conditions of the module, usually less than 500mA
Range of working temperature -40℃ ~ 85℃

1.2MHz Fixed Switching Frequency,Internal 4A Switch Current Limit,

Thermal Shutdown,Integrated 80mΩ Power MOSFET

SPMOD_MicArray pin description:

Pin Name Type Description
1 GND G Ground
2 D2 I Mic_D0
3 D3 I Mic_D2
4 D0 I Mic_WS
5 3V3 V Power supply(3.3V)
6 D4 I Mic_D1
7 D5 I Mic_D3
8 D1 I Mic_BCK
9 CK I Serial clock pin to control LED
10 DA I Data clock pin to control LED


  • 待补充


  • SPMOD_MicArray Size drawing:

Resource ---
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