MaixPy Experience Sharing —— XXX
This catalog is mainly used for sharing your own experience or tutorials, and it can also be moved with the author's permission to reprint, and famous sources.
To participate in sharing, you need to master the knowledge in advance
- Use of git and github
- Use of github PR (pull request)
There is a brief introduction in the introductory tutorial, please learn by yourself for detailed usage
If you are not confident to master these skills, you can submit issue to explain the problem or contribute experience, etc. We will help you to add
How to add
Clone document to local
git clone
cd MaixPy_DOC
New directory
Need to create a new directory dedicated to writing shared articles,
Create a folder in the MaixPy_DOC/docs/maixpy/zh/share/my_share/
directory, the folder name can only be in lowercase English and underscore, you can name it with your English name, such as tom
or lihua
The following uses MaixPy_DOC/docs/maixpy/zh/share/my_share/tom
as an example
Of course, if you write an English document, you need to put it in the MaixPy_DOC/docs/maixpy/en/share/my_share/tom
Create a file in this folder, name it
, and use the markdown
syntax to write and share in it,
Create a MaixPy_DOC/docs/maixpy/zh/share/my_share/tom/assets
directory to store pictures,
The relative path is used to reference the pictures in the document. For example, if the path of an image is MaixPy_DOC/docs/maixpy/zh/share/my_share/tom/assets/cover.jpg
, it will be in MaixPy_DOC/docs/maixpy/zh/share/my_share/tom/
Use the following syntax to quote pictures in

Note, don’t enlarge files in the folder, and don’t use too big pictures, otherwise the document warehouse will be huge
Write documentation
To make the document look well-formed and easier to read,
To write a document must follow the grammar and format requirements: See document specification
Document template, write an article according to the template, you can modify it according to your own situation
| Author | Contact | Personal Homepage |
| --- | --- | --- |
| XXX | | [github/sipeed]( |
## Introduction:
Describe the background of this sharing, the final effect display, etc., you can use pictures, GIFs or videos to display, but don’t put too large images in the `assets` folder, otherwise users will not be able to load them for a long time due to internet speed problems. , It loses its meaning
## Preparation:
### Preliminary knowledge
### Software and hardware environment to be prepared
#### Hardware
Graphic description of the development board, peripheral modules, etc. used
#### Software
Graphic description of the software tools used, MaixPy version
If you use third-party software tools, you can attach the relevant name or download link
## Process, specific title customization
## Process, specific title customization
## Results
It is recommended to add pictures to show the actual running effect
## to sum up
Summary of this sharing
## Questions and feedback
Can provide feedback
## Reference
Indicate the articles and source code cited in the article in a list here
* Cited article 1:
Add this share to the directory column on the left side of the document
Open MaixPy_DOC/docs/maixpy/zh/
, add your own share at the end, such as
## Community & Share
-[Featured Tutorial](./share/recommend_articles.html)
-[Open source project](./share/open_projects.html)
-Everyone's experience sharing
* [Participation in experience sharing/sharing template](./share/my_share/index.html)
* [jerry's model training tutorial](./share/my_share/jerry/index.html)
The effect after adding your own card is:
## Community & Share
-[Featured Tutorial](./share/recommend_articles.html)
-[Open source project](./share/open_projects.html)
-Everyone's experience sharing
* [Participation in experience sharing/sharing template](./share/my_share/index.html)
* [Model Training Tutorial-jerry](./share/my_share/jerry/index.html)
* [How to design your own model-tom](./share/my_share/tom/index.html)
Note that there are two spaces in front of *****, not tab
After writing, submit the modification, and then submit the PR on github. After the PR is passed, the official document page will have this article