MaixCAM MaixPy Hand Gesture Classification Based on Hand Keypoint Detection
The MaixCAM MaixPy Hand Gesture Classification Based on Hand Keypoint Detection
can classify various hand gestures.
The following describes how to preprocess features from AI model estimated hand landmarks, which are then classified using LinearSVC (Support Vector Machine). A detailed implementation is available in MaixPy/projects/app_hand_gesture_classifier/
, and the usage example can be found in the app implementation in MaixPy/projects/app_hand_gesture_classifier/
Users can add any distinguishable hand gestures for training.
Here’s the preprocessing for the raw output hand_landmarks
from the AI model to derive usable features:
def preprocess(hand_landmarks, is_left=False, boundary=(1,1,1)):
hand_landmarks = np.array(hand_landmarks).reshape((21, -1))
vector = hand_landmarks[:,:2]
vector = vector[1:] - vector[0]
vector = vector.astype('float64') / boundary[:vector.shape[1]]
if not is_left: # mirror
vector[:,0] *= -1
return vector
Import Modules
Alternatively, you can directly copy the
implementation from the directory target_dir
# To import LinearSVC
target_dir = '/maixapp/apps/hand_gesture_classifier/'
import sys
if target_dir not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, target_dir)
from LinearSVC import LinearSVC, LinearSVCManager
Classifier (LinearSVC)
Introduction to the LinearSVC classifier's functions and usage.
Initialization, Loading, and Exporting
# Initialize
clf = LinearSVC(C=1.0, learning_rate=0.01, max_iter=500)
# Load
clf = LinearSVC.load("/maixapp/apps/hand_gesture_classifier/clf_dump.npz")
# Export"my_clf_dump.npz")
Initialization Method Parameters
C=1.0 (Regularization Parameter)
- Controls the strength of the regularization in the SVM.
- A larger C value punishes misclassifications more strictly, potentially leading to overfitting.
- A smaller C value allows some misclassifications, improving generalization but potentially underfitting-
Default: 1.0, balanced regularization between accuracy and generalization.
learning_rate=0.01 (Learning Rate)
- Controls the step size for weight updates during each gradient descent optimization.
- Too large a learning rate may cause the optimization process to diverge
- While too small a learning rate may lead to slow convergence.
Default: 0.01, typically a moderate value to ensure gradual approach to the optimal solution.
max_iter=500 (Maximum Iterations)
- Specifies the maximum number of optimization rounds during training.
- More iterations allow the model more chances to converge, but too many may result in overfitting.
- A smaller max_iter value may stop optimization prematurely, leading to underfitting.
Default: 1000, sufficient iterations to ensure convergence.
Loading and Exporting Method Parameters
- filename: str
- The target file path, both relative and absolute paths are supported.
- This is a required parameter.
Training and Prediction (Classification)
After initializing the classifier, it needs to be trained before it can be used for classification.
If you load a previously trained classifier, it can directly be used for classification.
Note: Every training session is a full training process, meaning previous training results will be lost. It's recommended to export the classifier backup as needed.
npzfile = np.load("/maixapp/apps/hand_gesture_classifier/trainSets.npz") # Preload features and labels (name_classes index)
X_train = npzfile["X"] # Raw features
y_train = npzfile["y"] # Labels, y_train) # Train SVM after feature normalization
# Regression
y_pred = clf.predict(clf.scaler.transform(X_train)) # Predict labels after feature normalization
recall_count = len(y_train)
right_count = np.sum(y_pred == y_train)
print(f"right/recall= {right_count}/{recall_count}, acc: {right_count/recall_count}")
# Prediction
X_test = X_train[:5]
feature_test = clf.scaler.transform(X_test) # Feature normalization
# y_pred = clf.predict(feature_test) # Predict labels
y_pred, y_conf = clf.predict_with_confidence(feature_test) # Predict labels with confidence
print(f"pred: {y_pred}, conf: {y_conf}")
# Corresponding class names name_classes = ("one", "five", "fist", "ok", "heartSingle", "yearh", "three", "four", "six", "Iloveyou", "gun", "thumbUp", "nine", "pink")
Since every training is full, you need to manually maintain the storage of previously trained features and corresponding labels to allow dynamic addition/removal of classes.
To simplify usage and reduce extra workload, the Classifier Manager (LinearSVCManager)
has been encapsulated, as described in the next section.
Classifier Manager (LinearSVCManager)
Introduction to the LinearSVCManager's functions and usage.
Initialization, Loading, and Exporting
Both Initialization or Loading must provide valid X and Y (corresponding features and labels) inputs.
And their lengths must be equal and correspond to each other, or an error will occur.
# Initialization, Loading
def __init__(self, clf: LinearSVC=LinearSVC(), X=None, Y=None, pretrained=False)
# Initialize with default LinearSVC parameters
clfm = LinearSVCManager(X=X_train, Y=y_train)
# Initialize with specific LinearSVC parameters
clfm = LinearSVCManager(LinearSVC(C=1.0, learning_rate=0.01, max_iter=100), X_train, y_train)
# Loading requires the loaded LinearSVC and setting pretrained=True to avoid unnecessary retraining
# Ensure X_train, y_train are the data previously used to train LinearSVC
clfm = LinearSVCManager(LinearSVC.load("/maixapp/apps/hand_gesture_classifier/clf_dump.npz"), X_train, y_train, pretrained=True)
# Export parameters using LinearSVC (clfm.clf)'s save"my_clf_dump.npz")
# Export features and labels used for training
X = X_train,
y = y_train,
Accessing Training Data Used
clfm.samples is a Python tuple:
- clfm.samples[0] is
- clfm.samples[1] is
Do not modify directly, for read-only access only. To make changes, call clfm.train()
to retrain the model.
Adding or Removing
When adding, ensure X_new and y_new have the same length and match the shape of the previous X_train and y_train.
All are numpy arrays, and you can check their shape with the shape attribute.
# Add new data
clfm.add(X_new, y_new)
# Remove data
mask_ge_4 = clfm.samples[1] >= 4 # Mask for class labels >= 4
indices_ge_4 = np.where(mask_ge_4)[0]
These operations mainly modify clfm.samples, but will trigger a call to clfm.train() to retrain the model.
Depending on the size of the training data, wait a few moments before directly applying the updated model.
y_pred, y_conf = clfm.test(X_test) # Predict labels
This is equivalent to:
clf = clfm.clf
feature_test = clf.scaler.transform(X_test) # Feature normalization
y_pred, y_conf = clf.predict_with_confidence(feature_test) # Predict labels with confidence
Example (Simplified Version of the Resulting Video)
- Missing preprocess implementation should be copied from the Preprocessing section.
- Missing LinearSVC module should be copied from the Import Modules section.
The classification and prediction part can be run as a single file:
from maix import camera, display, image, nn, app
import numpy as np
# Add below me
name_classes = ("one", "five", "fist", "ok", "heartSingle", "yearh", "three", "four", "six", "Iloveyou", "gun", "thumbUp", "nine", "pink") # Easy-to-understand class names
npzfile = np.load("/maixapp/apps/hand_gesture_classifier/trainSets.npz") # Preload features and labels (name_classes index)
X_train = npzfile["X"]
y_train = npzfile["y"]
clfm = LinearSVCManager(LinearSVC.load("/maixapp/apps/hand_gesture_classifier/clf_dump.npz"), X_train, y_train, pretrained=True) # Initialize LinearSVCManager with preloaded classifier
detector = nn.HandLandmarks(model="/root/models/hand_landmarks.mud")
cam = camera.Camera(320, 224, detector.input_format())
disp = display.Display()
# Loading screen
img =
img.draw_string(100, 112, "Loading...\nwait up to 10s", color = image.COLOR_GREEN)
while not app.need_exit():
img =
objs = detector.detect(img, conf_th = 0.7, iou_th = 0.45, conf_th2 = 0.8)
for obj in objs:
hand_landmarks = preprocess(obj.points[8:8+21*3], obj.class_id == 0, (img.width(), img.height(), 1)) # Preprocessing
features = np.array([hand_landmarks.flatten()])
class_idx, pred_conf = clfm.test(features) # Get predicted class
class_idx, pred_conf = class_idx[0], pred_conf[0] # Handle multiple inputs and outputs, take the first element
msg = f'{detector.labels[obj.class_id]}: {obj.score:.2f}\n{name_classes[class_idx]}({class_idx})={pred_conf*100:.2f}%'
img.draw_string(obj.points[0], obj.points[1], msg, color = image.COLOR_RED if obj.class_id == 0 else image.COLOR_GREEN, scale = 1.4, thickness = 2)
detector.draw_hand(img, obj.class_id, obj.points, 4, 10, box=True)
The current X_train
is based on the "14-Class Static Hand Gesture Dataset," which consists of 2850 samples, divided into 14 classes. The dataset can be downloaded from the provided Baidu Netdisk link (Password: 6urr).
Demo Video
The implementation of this app is located at MaixPy/projects/app_hand_gesture_classifier/
, with the main logic as follows:
- Load the
14-class static hand gesture dataset
, which consists of20
coordinate offsets relative to the wrist after processing byhand keypoint detection
. - Initially train
gesture classifications or directly load pre-trained14
classifier parameters (switchable in the source code) to support gesture recognition. - Load the
hand keypoint detection
model to process the camera input and visualize the results on the screen using the classifier. - Click the upper right corner
to add the remaining classification samples and retrain to achieve14
gesture classifications. - Click the lower right corner
to remove the additional classification samples from the previous step and retrain to revert to4
gesture classifications. - Click the small area between the buttons to display the duration of the last classifier training at the top.
- Click other large areas to display the currently supported classification categories on the left side—green indicates supported, yellow indicates not supported.
- The demo video shows the execution of step
or the bold part of step2
, demonstrating the14-class
mode. It can recognize gestures1-10
(with default corresponding English meanings), "OK", thumbs-up, heart shape (requires the back of the hand, difficult to demonstrate in the video but can be verified), and pinky stretch, making a total of14
gestures. - Then, step
is executed to revert to the4-class
mode, where only gestures1
(fist), and "OK" can be recognized, while the remaining gestures do not produce correct results. Step7
is also executed to show the current4-class
mode, as only the first 4 gestures are displayed in green, and the remaining 10 are shown in yellow. - Step
is executed again to restore the14-class
mode, and the gestures that could not be recognized in the4-class
mode are now correctly identified. - Finally, the recognition of gestures with both hands is demonstrated, showing that the system can correctly identify gestures from both hands simultaneously.
The demo video is captured from the preview window in the upper right corner of MaixVision, and it is consistent with the actual screen display.
For more detailed usage instructions or secondary development, please refer to the source code analysis mentioned above, which includes comments.
If you still have questions or need assistance, you can post on maixhub
or send an e-mail
to the company at
. Please use the subject [help][MaixPy] guesture classification: xxx