MaixCAM MaixPy How to Find the Source Code Corresponding to MaixPy API


MaixPy is implemented based on Python, with some functions written in Python and most of the underlying code written in C/C++. This ensures efficient performance.

If you have questions while using a function, you can consult this document and the API documentation. If your doubts are still unresolved, you can find the underlying implementation source code using the method described in this article. You are also welcome to contribute to the documentation or code, and become a MaixPy developer!

Check the Documentation First

Always check the documentation first:, then check the API documentation:

The API documentation is only available in English because it is generated from the comments in the code, which are all in English. If you can't understand English, you can use a translation tool.

How to Find the Source Code Corresponding to the API

There are two open-source repositories: MaixPy and MaixCDK. MaixPy is the project repository containing part of the MaixPy source code, all documents, and examples; MaixCDK contains most of the underlying C/C++ implementations of MaixPy APIs.

You can download these two repositories or view them directly on the web.

Don't forget to give them a star so more people can see it!

Finding C/C++ Written APIs

Assume we want to find the maix.image.Image.find_blobs function as an example. First, let's try to find it manually:

  • Since this is a vision-related API, we look in the components/vision/include directory of MaixCDK and see a maix_image.hpp header file, where we might find it.
  • Searching for find_blobs in maix_image.hpp, we immediately find the function declaration:
std::vector<image::Blob> find_blobs(std::vector<std::vector<int>> thresholds = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(), bool invert = false, std::vector<int> roi = std::vector<int>(), int x_stride = 2, int y_stride = 1, int area_threshold = 10, int pixels_threshold = 10, bool merge = false, int margin = 0, int x_hist_bins_max = 0, int y_hist_bins_max = 0);
  • We also notice that there are comments before the function declaration, from which the API documentation is automatically generated. If you compare the API documentation with this comment, you will find them identical. Modifying this comment and recompiling will generate updated API documentation.
  • This is just the function declaration. We find that there is no such function in components/vision/src/maix_image.cpp. However, we see components/vision/src/maix_image_find_blobs.cpp, indicating that the function is written in a separate cpp file. Here, we can see the function's source code.

Finding APIs Written with Pybind11

If you can't find it in MaixCDK, look in MaixPy/components.

In the above code, you'll notice that the first parameter we use in find_blobs is of type list, i.e., [[...]], while the C/C++ definition is std::vector<std::vector<int>>. This is because we use pybind11 to automatically convert the std::vector type to list type.

For some types like numpy's array, which are inconvenient to define in MaixCDK, we use the pybind11 definitions in MaixPy/components. For example, the maix.image.image2cv method uses pybind11 related code here.

How to Modify the Code

After finding the code, modify it directly and compile the firmware following the build documentation.

How to Add Code

Copy other APIs, write a function, and add complete comments. Include an extra @maixpy tag in the comments, where xxx is the module and API name you want to add. Then compile the firmware.

Refer to MaixCDK/components/basic/includemaix_api_example.hpp.

API parameters and return values automatically convert from basic C++ types to Python types, making it very simple. See the pybind11 automatic type conversion list for details.

For example, to add maix.my_module.my_func, create a header file in the appropriate place in MaixCDK (preferably following the current folder classification) and add the code:

namespace maix::my_module
     * My function, add two integers.
     * @param a arg a, int type
     * @param b arg b, int type
     * @return int type, will return a + b
     * @maixpy maix.my_module.my_func
    int my_func(int a, int b);

Then add a cpp file:

int my_func(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

Compile MaixPy to generate the whl file and install it on the device to use the maix.my_module.my_func function.

How to Contribute Code

If you find any unfinished APIs or bugs in MaixPy, feel free to submit a PR (Pull Request) to the MaixPy repository. For detailed submission methods, see Contributing Documentation and Code.