MaixPy Video Stream JPEG Streaming / Sending Images to Server

Update history
Date Version Author Update content
2024-04-03 1.0.0 neucrack Initial document


Sometimes it is necessary to send images to a server or push video from a camera to a server. Here, we provide the simplest method, which is to compress images into JPEG format and send them one by one to the server.

Note, this is a very basic method and not a formal way to stream video. It is also not suitable for high-resolution, high-frame-rate video streams, as it involves sending images one by one. For more efficient video streaming, please use the RTSP or RTMP modules discussed later.

How to Use

from maix import image
import requests

# create image
img = image.Image(640, 480, image.Format.FMT_RGB)
# draw something
img.draw_rect(60, 60, 80, 80, image.Color.from_rgb(255, 0, 0))

# convert to jpeg
jpeg = img.to_format(image.Format.FMT_JPEG) # image.Format.FMT_PNG
# get jpeg bytes
jpeg_bytes = jpeg.to_bytes()

# faster way, borrow memory from jpeg object,
# but be careful, when jpeg object is deleted, jpeg_bytes object MUST NOT be used, or program will crash
# jpeg_bytes = jpeg.to_bytes(copy = False)

# send image binary bytes to server
url = ""
res =, data=jpeg_bytes)

As you can see, the image is first converted into JPEG format, and then the binary data of the JPEG image is sent to the server via TCP.