MaixPy Human Body Keypoint Detection for Pose Estimation


Using MaixPy, you can easily detect the coordinates of human joint keypoints, which can be used for pose estimation such as sitting posture detection, motion-controlled game input, and more.


Using the maix.nn.BodyKeyPoints class in MaixPy, you can easily implement this functionality:

from maix import nn, image, camera, display

detector = nn.BodyKeyPoints(model="/root/models/body_key_points.mud")
cam = camera.Camera(detector.input_width(), detector.input_height(), detector.input_format())
dis = display.Display()

while 1:
    img =
    points = detector.detect(img)
    for point in points:
        img.draw_circle(point[0], point[1], 3, color=image.COLOR_RED, thickness=-1)