MaixPy / MaixCAM 触摸屏使用方法


对于 MaixCAM 自带了一个触摸屏,写应用时配合触摸屏可以实现很多有趣应用,我们可以通过 API 读取到触摸屏的点按操作。

MaixPy 读取触摸

MaixPy 提供了一个简单的maix.touchscreen.TouchScreen 类来读取,举例:

from maix import touchscreen, app, time

ts = touchscreen.TouchScreen()

pressed_already = False
last_x = 0
last_y = 0
last_pressed = False
while not app.need_exit():
    x, y, pressed =
    if x != last_x or y != last_y or pressed != last_pressed:
        print(x, y, pressed)
        last_x = x
        last_y = y
        last_pressed = pressed
    if pressed:
        pressed_already = True
        if pressed_already:
            print(f"clicked, x: {x}, y: {y}")
            pressed_already = False
    time.sleep_ms(1)  # sleep some time to free some CPU usage


配合屏幕可以做出一些用户交互的内容,更多可以看MaixPy/examples/vision/touchscreen 目录下例程。


from maix import touchscreen, app, time, display, image

ts = touchscreen.TouchScreen()
disp = display.Display()

img = image.Image(disp.width(), disp.height())

# draw exit button
exit_label = "< Exit"
size = image.string_size(exit_label)
exit_btn_pos = [0, 0, 8*2 + size.width(), 12 * 2 + size.height()]
img.draw_string(8, 12, exit_label, image.COLOR_WHITE)
img.draw_rect(exit_btn_pos[0], exit_btn_pos[1], exit_btn_pos[2], exit_btn_pos[3],  image.COLOR_WHITE, 2)

def is_in_button(x, y, btn_pos):
    return x > btn_pos[0] and x < btn_pos[0] + btn_pos[2] and y > btn_pos[1] and y < btn_pos[1] + btn_pos[3]

while not app.need_exit():
    x, y, pressed =
    if is_in_button(x, y, exit_btn_pos):
    img.draw_circle(x, y, 1, image.Color.from_rgb(255, 255, 255), 2)


上面的例子可以看到 img 大小和屏幕大小一样,如果你的img和屏幕大小不一样怎么办(比如上面使用img = image.Image(240, 240),比如屏幕是640x480, 图像是的默认行为是image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN, 即把图片放大到480x480然后边上填充黑色,如果你在240x240的图上画了按钮,比如坐标(0, 0, 60, 40),那么按钮也会自动被放大,所以触摸判断的坐标就不能用(0, 0, 60, 40),需要用((640 - 480) / 2, 0, 480/240*60, 480/240*40), 即(80, 0, 120, 80)

这里为了方便缩放图像时,快速计算源图像的点或者矩形框 在 缩放后的目标图像的位置和大小,提供了image.resize_map_pos函数来进行此计算过程。

from maix import touchscreen, app, time, display, image

ts = touchscreen.TouchScreen()
disp = display.Display()

img = image.Image(240, 240)
img.draw_rect(0, 0, img.width(), img.height(), image.COLOR_WHITE)

# draw exit button
exit_label = "< Exit"
size = image.string_size(exit_label)
exit_btn_pos = [0, 0, 8*2 + size.width(), 12 * 2 + size.height()]
img.draw_string(8, 12, exit_label, image.COLOR_WHITE)
img.draw_rect(exit_btn_pos[0], exit_btn_pos[1], exit_btn_pos[2], exit_btn_pos[3],  image.COLOR_WHITE, 2)
# 图像按键坐标映射到屏幕上的坐标
exit_btn_disp_pos = image.resize_map_pos(img.width(), img.height(), disp.width(), disp.height(), image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN, exit_btn_pos[0], exit_btn_pos[1], exit_btn_pos[2], exit_btn_pos[3])

def is_in_button(x, y, btn_pos):
    return x > btn_pos[0] and x < btn_pos[0] + btn_pos[2] and y > btn_pos[1] and y < btn_pos[1] + btn_pos[3]

while not app.need_exit():
    x, y, pressed =
    if is_in_button(x, y, exit_btn_disp_pos):
    # 屏幕的坐标映射回图像上对应的坐标,然后在图像上画点
    x, y = image.resize_map_pos_reverse(img.width(), img.height(), disp.width(), disp.height(), image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN, x, y)
    img.draw_circle(x, y, 1, image.Color.from_rgb(255, 255, 255), 2), fit=image.Fit.FIT_CONTAIN)