Getting to Blinky

The Blinky example is good way to test the setup. The following example will blink the Tang Primer's onboard RGB LED.

Get the blinky example code from

git clone

You will need git for the above command to work.

Run TD IDE in GUI mode

$ td -gui

Open the Blinky example.

In the Menubar goto Project -> Open Project or use the shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+O.

Open project

Select the Project file Tang_FPGA_Examples/0.LED/prj/ in Open Dialog.

Open project dialog

Generate the Bitstream file.

Click on the Run icon to start the compilation process.

Start Compilation

If the compilation is successful you will see the Console log as shown in picture below.

Console log

Download Bitstrean to Tang Primer.

Plug in your Tang Primer board to USB and click on Download icon to open the Download dialog.

Open Download box

Make sure your device detacted by TD IDE. Add generated bitstream file by clicking on Add button.

Open Bitstream

If you can't see your device, try refreshing it by clicking on the Refresh button.

Select the Bitstream file Tang_FPGA_Examples/0.LED/prj/led.bit in the Downloading & Programming dialog, then click the Open button. (You may also double-click on led.bit to automatically open it.)

Open Bitstream dialog

Click on the Run button to start the download process.

Start download

Due to some unknown bug, JTAG only works with 400kbps or lower speed on Linux.

Wait for Download progress to reach 100%.

Download progress