Longan Documentation

What is Longan
Longan Nano is a GD32VF103CBT6 based minimal development board based on GigaDevice's latest RISC-V 32-bit core microcontroller. Convenient for students, engineers, geeks and enthusiasts to access the latest generation of RISC-V processors.
In the heart of Longan Nano is a GigaDevice's GD32VF103CBT6, based on Nucleisys Bumblebee kernel (support RV32IMAC instruction sets and ECLIC rapid interrupt). You can download instruction set documents here: http://dl.sipeed.com/LONGAN/Nano/DOC/.
The chip has built-in 128KB Flash, 32KB SRAM, and peripherals listes below:
- 4 x universal 16-bit timer
- 2 x basic 16-bit timer
- 1 x advanced 16-bit timer
- Watchdog timer
- Systick
- 3 x USART
- 2 x I2C
- 3 x SPI
- 2 x I2S
- 2 x CAN
- 1 x USBFS(OTG)
- 2 x ADC(10 channel)
- 2 x DAC
Longan Nano development board is breadboard friendly. It has onboard 8M passive crystal, 32.768KHz RTC low-speed crystal, mini TF card slot, and use the latest Type-C USB interface.
How to develop
Longan Nano supports development using the VS CODE-based under PlatformIO IDE environment, supporting one-click project configuration, compilation, download and debugging. See the installation and tutorial here: PIO configuration.