
maix uart peripheral driver

You can use maix.peripheral.uart to access this module with MaixPy
This module is generated from MaixCDK


No module



item doc
brief uart parity enum
values PARITY_NONE: no parity
PARITY_ODD: odd parity
PARITY_EVEN: even parity

C++ defination code:

        PARITY_NONE = 0x00,  // no parity
        PARITY_ODD  = 0x01,  // odd parity
        PARITY_EVEN = 0x02,  // even parity


item doc
brief uart stop bits
values STOP_1: 1 stop bit
STOP_2: 2 stop bits
STOP_1_5: 1.5 stop bits

C++ defination code:

enum STOP
        STOP_1   = 0x01,  // 1 stop bit
        STOP_2   = 0x02,  // 2 stop bits
        STOP_1_5 = 0x03,  // 1.5 stop bits


item doc
brief uart stop bits
values BITS_5: 5 data bits
BITS_6: 6 data bits
BITS_7: 7 data bits
BITS_8: 8 data bits

C++ defination code:

enum BITS
        BITS_5 = 5,  // 5 data bits
        BITS_6 = 6,  // 6 data bits
        BITS_7 = 7,  // 7 data bits
        BITS_8 = 8,  // 8 data bits


item doc
brief uart flow control
values FLOW_CTRL_NONE: no flow control
FLOW_CTRL_HW: hardware flow control

C++ defination code:

        FLOW_CTRL_NONE = 0,  // no flow control
        FLOW_CTRL_HW   = 1,  // hardware flow control




item doc
brief Get supported uart ports.
return uart ports list, string type.

C++ defination code:

std::vector<std::string> list_devices()



item doc
brief maix uart peripheral driver

C++ defination code:

class UART : public comm::CommBase


def __init__(self, port: str = '', baudrate: int = 115200, databits: BITS = ..., parity: PARITY = ..., stopbits: STOP = ..., flow_ctrl: FLOW_CTRL = ...) -> None
item doc
type func
brief UART constructor. You need to call open() to open the device.
param port: uart port. string type, can get it by uart.list_devices().
If empty, will not open device in constructor, default empty.
if not empty, will auto open device in constructor, open fail will throw err.Exception.
baudrate: baudrate of uart. int type, default 115200.
databits: databits, values @see uart.DATA_BITS
parity: parity, values @see uart.PARITY
stopbits: stopbits, values @see uart.STOP_BITS
flow_control: flow_control, values @see uart.FLOW_CTRL
static False

C++ defination code:

UART(const std::string &port = "", int baudrate = 115200, uart::BITS databits = uart::BITS_8,
            uart::PARITY parity = uart::PARITY_NONE, uart::STOP stopbits = uart::STOP_1,
            uart::FLOW_CTRL flow_ctrl = uart::FLOW_CTRL_NONE)


def set_port(self, port: str) -> maix.err.Err
item doc
type func
brief Set port
param port: uart port. string type, can get it by uart.list_devices().
return set port error code, err.Err type.
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err set_port(const std::string &port)


def get_port(self) -> str
item doc
type func
brief Get port
return uart port, string type.
static False

C++ defination code:

std::string get_port()


def set_baudrate(self, baudrate: int) -> maix.err.Err
item doc
type func
brief Set baud rate
param baudrate: baudrate of uart. int type, default 115200.
return set baud rate error code, err.Err type.
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err set_baudrate(int baudrate)


def get_baudrate(self) -> int
item doc
type func
brief Get baud rate
return baud rate, int type.
static False

C++ defination code:

int get_baudrate()


def open(self) -> maix.err.Err
item doc
type func
brief Open uart device, before open, port must be set in constructor or by set_port().\nIf already opened, do nothing and return err.ERR_NONE.
return open device error code, err.Err type.
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err open()


def is_open(self) -> bool
item doc
type func
brief Check if device is opened.
return true if opened, false if not opened.
static False

C++ defination code:

bool is_open()


def close(self) -> maix.err.Err
item doc
type func
brief Close uart device, if already closed, do nothing and return err.ERR_NONE.
return close device error code, err.Err type.
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err close()


def write_str(self, str: str) -> int
item doc
type func
brief Send string data
param str: string data
return sent data length, < 0 means error, value is -err.Err.
static False

C++ defination code:

int write_str(const std::string &str)


def write(self, data: maix.Bytes(bytes)) -> int
item doc
type func
brief Send data to uart
param data: direction [in], data to send, bytes type. If you want to send str type, use str.encode() to convert.
return sent length, int type, if < 0 means error, value is -err.Err.
static False

C++ defination code:

int write(Bytes &data)


def available(self, timeout: int = 0) -> int
item doc
type func
brief Check if data available or wait data available.
param timeout: unit ms, timeout to wait data, default 0.
0 means check data available and return immediately,
> 0 means wait until data available or timeout.
- 1 means wait until data available.
return available data number, 0 if timeout or no data, <0 if error, value is -err.Err, can be err::ERR_IO, err::ERR_CANCEL, err::ERR_NOT_OPEN.
throw err.Exception if fatal error.
static False

C++ defination code:

int available(int timeout = 0)


def read(*args, **kwargs)
item doc
type func
brief Recv data from uart
param len: max data length want to receive, default -1.
-1 means read data in uart receive buffer.
>0 means read len data want to receive.
other values is invalid.
timeout: unit ms, timeout to receive data, default 0.
0 means read data in uart receive buffer and return immediately,
-1 means block until read len data,
>0 means block until read len data or timeout.
return received data, bytes type.
Attention, you need to delete the returned object yourself in C++.
static False

C++ defination code:

Bytes *read(int len = -1, int timeout = 0)


def readline(*args, **kwargs)
item doc
type func
brief Read line from uart, that is read until '\n' or '\r\n'.
param timeout: unit ms, timeout to receive data, default -1 means block until read '\n' or '\r\n'.
> 0 means block until read '\n' or '\r\n' or timeout.
return received data, bytes type. If timeout will return the current received data despite not read '\n' or '\r\n'.
e.g. If we want to read b'123\n', but when we only read b'12', timeout, then return b'12'.
static False

C++ defination code:

Bytes *readline(int timeout = -1)