
maix.peripheral.hid module

This is maix::peripheral::hid module of MaixCDK.
All of these elements are in namespace maix::peripheral::hid.

For MaixCDK developer: DO NOT edit this doc file manually, this doc is auto generated!


No module



Device enum of hid

item describe

C++ defination code:

enum DeviceType {
        DEVICE_MOUSE = 0,





Hid class

C++ defination code:

class Hid


Hid Device constructor

item description
type func
param device_type: Device type, used to select mouse, keyboard, or touchpad.
open: auto open device in constructor, if false, you need call open() to open device
static False

C++ defination code:

Hid(hid::DeviceType device_type, bool open = true)


Open hid device

item description
type func
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err open()


Close hid device

item description
type func
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err close()


Write data to hid device

item description
type func
param data: data to write
For the keyboard, 8 bytes of data need to be written, with the format as follows:
data = [0x00, #
0x00, #
0x00, # Key value. Refer to the "Universal Serial Bus HID Usage Tables" section of the official documentation(
0x00, #
0x00, #
0x00, #
0x00, #
0x00] #
For the mouse, 4 bytes of data need to be written, with the format as follows:
data = [0x00, # Button state
0x00: no button pressed
0x01: press left button
0x02: press right button
0x04: press middle button
x, # X-axis relative coordinates. Signed number, positive values for x indicate movement to the right
y, # Y-axis relative coordinates. Signed number, positive values for y indicate movement downward
0x00] # Wheel movement. Signed number, positive values indicate downward movement.
For the touchpad, 6 bytes of data need to be written, with the format as follows:
data = [0x00, # Button state (0: no button pressed, 0x01: press left button, 0x10, press right button.)
x & 0xFF, (x >> 8) & 0xFF, # X-axis absolute coordinate, 0 means unused.
Note: You must map the target position to the range [0x1, 0x7FFF]. This means x value = <position_to_move> * 0x7FFF / <actual_screen_width>
y & 0xFF, (y >> 8) & 0xFF, # Y-axis absolute coordinate, 0 means unused.
Note: You must map the target position to the range [0x1, 0x7FFF]. This means y value = <position_to_move> * 0x7FFF / <actual_screen_height>
0x00, # Wheel movement. Signed number, positive values indicate downward movement.
return err::Err
static False

C++ defination code:

err::Err write(std::vector<int> &data)


Check if hid device is opened

item description
type func
return bool
static False

C++ defination code:

bool is_opened()