maix.peripheral.gpio module
This is
module of MaixCDK.
All of these elements are in namespacemaix::peripheral::gpio
.For MaixCDK developer: DO NOT edit this doc file manually, this doc is auto generated!
No module
GPIO mode
item | describe |
values | IN: input mode OUT: output mode OUT_OD: output open drain mode MODE_MAX: |
C++ defination code:
enum Mode { IN = 0x01, // input mode OUT = 0x02, // output mode OUT_OD = 0x03, // output open drain mode MODE_MAX }
GPIO pull mode
item | describe |
values | PULL_NONE: pull none mode PULL_UP: pull up mode PULL_DOWN: pull down mode PULL_MAX: |
C++ defination code:
enum Pull { PULL_NONE = 0x00, // pull none mode PULL_UP = 0x01, // pull up mode PULL_DOWN = 0x02, // pull down mode PULL_MAX }
Peripheral gpio class
C++ defination code:
class GPIO
GPIO constructor
item | description |
type | func |
param | pin: direction [in], gpio pin name, string type the same as board's pin name, e.g. "B14" or "GPIOB14", or number string like "10" if board no gpiochipe name. mode: direction [in], gpio mode. gpio.Mode type, default is gpio.Mode.IN (input) mode. pull: direction [in], gpio pull. gpio.Pull type, default is gpio.Pull.PULL_NONE (pull none) mode. For input mode, this will set gpio default status(value), if set to gpio.Pull.PULL_NONE, gpio value will be floating. For output mode, this will set gpio default status(value), if set to gpio.Pull.PULL_UP, gpio value will be 1, else 0. |
throw | err::Exception if open gpio device failed. |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
GPIO(std::string pin, gpio::Mode mode = gpio::Mode::IN, gpio::Pull pull = gpio::Pull::PULL_NONE)
set and get gpio value
item | description |
type | func |
param | value: direction [in], gpio value. int type. 0, means write gpio to low level 1, means write gpio to high level -1, means read gpio value, not set |
return | int type, return gpio value, can be 0 or 1 |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
int value(int value = -1)
set gpio high (value to 1)
item | description |
type | func |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
void high()
set gpio low (value to 0)
item | description |
type | func |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
void low()
gpio toggle
item | description |
type | func |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
void toggle()
gpio get mode
item | description |
type | func |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
gpio::Mode get_mode()
get gpio pull
item | description |
type | func |
return | gpio::Pull type |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
gpio::Pull get_pull()
reset gpio
item | description |
type | func |
param | mode: direction [in], gpio mode. gpio.Mode type pull: direction [in], gpio pull. gpio.Pull type For input mode, this will set gpio default status(value), if set to gpio.Pull.PULL_NONE, gpio value will be floating. For output mode, this will set gpio default status(value), if set to gpio.Pull.PULL_UP, gpio value will be 1, else 0. |
return | err::Err type |
static | False |
C++ defination code:
err::Err reset(gpio::Mode mode, gpio::Pull pull)