MaixPy develop source code guide


maixcdk build

And if add or delete files, run maixcdk rebuild.

Run test after modify source code

  • First, build source code by
maixcdk build
  • Then go to test directory, execute ./ to run python script.
cd test

Pack to wheel

python bdist_wheel linux

linux Can be replaced with other board config, see configs directory

python bdist_wheel linux --not-clean will not execute distclean command, so you can use maixcdk build first to customize building.

After build success, you will find wheel file in dist directory, use pip install -U MaixPy****.wheel on you board to install or upgrade.


Documentation in [docs][./docs] directory, use Markdown format, you can use teedoc to generate web version documentation.

pip install teedoc -U
cd docs
teedoc install -i
teedoc serve

Then visit to preview documentation on web browser.

For developers who want to contribute

See MaixPy develop source code guide

If you encounter any problems when use source code, please refer to FAQ first.